Invest In 101’Ministries’ and YOU Will Be Blessed 101 Fold!

Just kidding! Are you serious?! Don’t send your money to us – we don’t want it. And no we don’t sell prayer cloths or blessings or forgive sins for cash (tho we could make an exceptions for large donors;). Send it to someone that really needs it (see our extensive list of incredible and far more worthy that us causes). We will constantly try to find new ways to earn our own money so we are not reliant on hand-outs which ARE genuinely needed by many. Accordingly we don not have a ‘Donate’ button anywhere on the site. If you insist on sending us a donation we won’t refuse it (if you manage to find out where to send it but we warn you you will have to search as we have deliberately hidden it:).

Are You Serious?

And you thought this was a call to invest in us:) let’s be sure about one thing; there is always someone out there willing to find clever ways to empty your pockets you could never have thought of (we don’t recommend you go searching for such people) so we suggest you hold onto your cash very tightly, except when it comes to giving away your tithe for those in need or when you see a real need and then do the opposite. and I don’t mean to some pastor’s ‘vision’ or new extension. We do not believe in building empires, and as such the 101Networks ‘company’ is built horizontally father than vertically one with one person calling the shots and earning lots of money at the top and everything filtering down getting smaller and smaller on the way down. Where it is not owned by anyone but shared by everyone.

Don’t Invest in us – Invest In Someone!

This is a call to invest in something or someone other than yourself! There is no satisfaction greater or pursuit more fulfilling than serving others. Yes we know this goes adjacent all modern (and ancient) wisdom where we are trained from birth to build ourselves and our careers upwards and outwards until we are bigger and greater and more popular than everyone else. We know from experience (and oh.. The Bible mentions it somewhere) that this does not work and investing only in oneself only leaves one spiritually broke, physically busted and morally disgusted!

If You Insist…

One might be led to think that with all these posh websites and ‘services’ we are loaded but that couldn’t be further from the case. It’s all down to endless hours and hours and hours (not to push the point) at the computer screen. 101 has been more or less run and paid single-handedly by one person over the years and is only now just beginning to move forward having been tied down and unable to make progress for many years.

It would be really unwise not to give some means for people to offer us their support as we are in need of ‘hands’ like any group or organisation. So if you really do want to invest in us, please take a look at out ‘Help Needed’ section and add your name to our ‘human resources’ list (sorry this sounds so inhuman!) as we are a very small group and often need help. We won’t tie you to this and if you change your mind just make an excuse and we will get one of our wardens to let you go!

If you want to give financially… well we’d rather you didn’t but we will give away 20% of anything we do receive – just so you know.